5 Types of Questions in a
Sales & Trading Interview

Get insights from a former sales and trading interviewer: I typically structure my questions around five key areas, each with a potential twist to challenge you. Here are some tips:

Woman in white blouse shaking hands with a man during a meeting.

1. Tell Me About Yourself

You better have a 1 minute elevator pitch prepared.
Don't forget the important facts, but more importantly, include interesting areas where the interviewer can follow on with a question.
p.s. your interviewer might not have read your CV

Woman holding papers, speaking to two people across a table.

2. The Whys

Yes, these are standard interview questions you might expect in any interview so there is NO REASON why you should not already have a smooth, prepared answer on hand. We can sniff you out if you are providing a standard answer versus a more genuine one. Remember, you need to STAND OUT. Most times, it is more about the delivery of the answer than the actual answer itself.




A woman in a white blouse during a job interview with two interviewers.

3. The View - Your View

You better have a f***king view if you want to work in Markets. Of course, that is assuming that you already follow the financial markets to some degree. Most candidates would be able to regurgitate what CNBC reports, on Fed's rates, dot plots, and how S&P 500 have already or might react to it. But what is YOUR VIEW?

Two women in an interview, one looks concerned and holds documents.

4. The Trip-Ups / Teasers

You would always expect to be thrown one of these curveballs - to test how you react under pressure.

Two women having a serious discussion, holding documents in an office setting.

5. The Technicals

These questions are usually hygiene checks i.e., candidates need to know the basics and if they answer some of the more technical questions, even better. The list can go on and on, but the advice remains the same. Be crisp, clear and to the point. Don't regurgitate your textbook, that only shows you are good at memorization. If you had learnt your coursework well, you will be able to distill these concepts properly.

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